This is what I'm talking about:
re·la·tion·ship n.: The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
Too often we worry ourselves with our romantic relationships we neglect others. You see, relationships are the very connections between persons. It isn't necessarily a romantic one. Off the bat you have a relationship with your mother, father, brother or sister. Granted those relationships may not be very good ones, but they are relationships none the less.
I think most can agree that the basis for some of the most important relationships we will ever have is love. Some of the most damaging relationships we will ever have will be due to a lack of love, or a misinterpretation of what love is.
So here is the point I drove home during our short discussion in catechism class: Our first relationship that takes priority is that with God. There plenty of reasons that our relationship with God should take precedence but the main one is this... He's God. If we cannot love God who loved us first and loves us perfectly and if that relationship isn't solid. How well will we do in those relationships where their love for us is far from perfect?
St. Augustine famously has been quoted:
"Love God first, then do what thou will."
Making this relationship our first priority gives us the basic building blocks for every other relationship we will have. After all "Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love" (1 John 4:8). So lets renew ourselves this coming Easter Season. Observe reverently these next few days of the Holy Triduum (Holy Thursday to Holy Saturday). Living out what each day means in Salvation History and to us personally so that come Easter Sunday we may put on our new selves and draw closer to Love Himself.
Deus Providebit
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