So lately I've gotten a lot of heat and attention for some of the things that I've posted on my Facebook.
and second my decision to boycott Starbucks because of recent comments the CEO of Starbucks made.
First, the Catholic stance on homosexuals:
They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. (CCC 2358)
So, for those who have a predisposition to think Catholics hate gays this is quite the contrary. The Church does not reject individuals for their actions but will never waiver in proclaiming the truths presented to us in the Gospels. There may be others out there who claim to be Christian yet spread messages of hate towards our brothers and sisters. That simply is not acceptable and Fr. Pontifex speaks beautifully on this in one of his recent videos "Yes to You":
This blog however is not going to focus and defend the Church's stance on Homosexuals or even Homosexual unions. We can save that for another blog. However if you're really interested I will post links of some great resources to better understand the Conjugal and Relational arguments for Homosexual Union.
Second, my decision to boycott Starbucks. My opposition to Starbucks received a reaction which I expected:
I have to admit that this stung quite a bit. First, because I didn't expect quite a reaction from this particular person. Second, because I knew these things and have been faced for some time with this thought of "what more can I do." So I did some digging and found a list of companies that support gay marriage. You can find that list here. Taking a look at it, it seems to be quite a lot. As a matter of fact I started looking at caves to just move into. But then came the real soul searching... Lots of time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
The first question that came to mind was "Are we as Catholics obliged to boycott these companies?" The answer is "No." If we were to try and avoid any cooperation with evil in this world we would be unable to act. We have to make a distinction between formal and material cooperation with evil. The first is ALWAYS wrong as the second sometimes is permissible. Also proximity to the cooperation of evil is also a factor.
With my prayer I've expanded my list to quite a few of those companies listed. But let's get my reasons for boycotting straight. I understand that buying my Grade Soy Latte at Starbucks (around $4) will contribute a minuscule percentage if any at all to their support for Same-Sex unions. But I'm not rallying people to bring a corporation to its knees financially. Nor do I expect my withdrawal from their customer base to impact their bottom line. However me contributing nothing to their agenda is a whole lot better than a little something. Its not about making Starbucks more Catholic or Christian, but it's about standing up for the truths I hold as a Christian.
Where we are given options in products and services, I will choose those which align with what I uphold morally. I will not return my Macbook. The money's gone... But I will allow it to be used as a tool for Evangelization and Truth. Where sacrifices can be made reasonably I will try and make them but where it cannot be avoided I offer those moments up in prayer. However I will continue to look for ways to truly live out the Gospel spirit. At the very least I have been reminded that detachment of worldly things is needed, a general spring cleaning of conscience is long over due.
"By his reason, man recognizes the voice of God which urges him "to do what is good and avoid what is evil." Everyone is obliged to follow this law, which makes itself heard in conscience and is fulfilled in the love of God and of neighbor. Living a moral life bears witness to the dignity of the person."
(CCC 1706)
If you decide to do something similar remember what Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcuta once said:
"You are called to be faithful not successful." Being in this Easter Season let us remain faithful and remember that we don't have to worry about being victorious, Christ has already ensured victory. We only need to side with Him.
Deus Providebit.
Resources for Information on what Catholics teach about Homosexual Unions: